About the Conference

Faculty of Sports Science Universitas Negeri Padang estabilished since 1999. Faculty of Sports Science having four bachelor courses in physical education, sports science, and sports coaching education. ICSCoach being part of the Universitas Negeri Padang annual scientific conferences which provides academic platforms for researchers to present their research. The faculty of sport sciences would like to invite researchers, practitioners, student and lecturers to join this 1st ICSCoach. The 1st ICSCoach will be held on October 15, 2019 by themes "The Role and Contribution of Sport and Coaching in Enhancing a Better Quality of Life Toward Industrial Revolution 4.0" topics/scope: (1).Sport Psychology, (2).Sport Medicine, (3).Sport Training, (4).Physical Activity, (5).Sport Childhood, (6).Sport talent Scooting, (7).Sport Nutrition, (8).Sport Other.


Secretariat Office
Sport Coaching Department
Faculty of Sport Science
Universitas Negeri Padang
Jl. Prof.Dr. Hamka Air Tawar Padang
Padang 25131, Indonesia.
Phone : +620751 7059901
Email: info.icscoach@unp.ac.id and info@fik.unp.ac.id

Contact Person (International)
Romi Mardela, M.Pd (Mr.) (+62 813 7481 7727)
Heru Lesmana (Mr) (+62 8137470 9252)

Contact Person (Local)
Irfan Arifianto, M.Pd (Mr.) (+62 823 8686 9206)
Irfan Oktovianus, M.Pd (Mr.) (+62 822 8497 6963)

IT Support
Bayu R. Fajri(Mr.) (+62 821 2609 1491)
Sudarto, S.Pd (Mr.) (+62 81374954616)